Family Investment Advice

For Today, Tomorrow and Future Generations

At Agile we don’t just build wealth for its own sake. Our advice is tailored to provide you, your family and future generations with a thriving foundation. As investment experts, we can offer family investment advice that protects and secures your name for decades to come.

Investing in Your Family's Future

Your reasons for investing can significantly change how you invest your money and how you view the risks along the way. At Agile Wealth, we always design our investment advice to help you balance today’s needs against tomorrow’s goals.

For instance, you could be the steward of your family’s wealth, and it’s your job to invest that money for the benefit of future generations. Maybe you want to pass something onto your children and provide a foundation they can use to thrive. You may need to save for education costs, or you may simply want to save for the future as your family grows and changes.

Whatever the case, Agile Wealth offers family investment advice that maximises your investments, helps you set up the right investment structure or entities, allowing you to build lasting wealth for your family’s benefit.

Get in touch with Agile Wealth today!

Contact us today for practical investment advice that helps you get ahead.

If you are a family business owner, the right investment structure can help you benefit from...

Family business succession planning

Invest with protection from creditors

Tax efficiencies

Asset protection

Investing for Your Children

Many of us choose to start investing for the benefit of our children. The right investment plan means you’ll be able to give your children the best start in life, supporting their ambitions and allowing them to dream.

If you’re investing to provide for your children, Agile Wealth can help with:

Investing for Future Generations

Long-term investment strategies are some of the best ways to build wealth, especially when those investments take generations to mature. The compound effect of decades of growth can establish a foundation that allows your children, grandchildren and future generations to thrive. Agile Wealth specialises in helping multi-generational families develop strategies that ensure your wealth is a lasting asset.

Agile Wealth helps build your generational wealth by considering things like:

Provide for the future with Agile Wealth!

Contact us and get started with building wealth for future generations.

Investing for Changes in Relationships

Marriage, separation and changes to your family present a few unique challenges for generational wealth. Our professional financial advisors can help you navigate the complexities and provide recommendations that allow you to protect your wealth and provide for your children.

Whenever your relationships change, we can help you put assurances in place to protect family assets. Our tax efficient investment strategies allow you to safeguard your estate, distribute your assets and build wealth that secures the future for everything that’s yet to come.

What Our Clients Say

Alternative investment ownership strategies can provide...

Asset Protection

Protecting vulnerable family members​

Tax Benefits

Estate Planning

We help you identify your real goals and objectives so you can dare to dream.

Contact Us Today

Now is the best time to take control of your finances and plan for the future. Contact Agile Wealth today to make an appointment with our professional financial advisors.