Business Insurance Advice

Protect Your Business from the Unexpected

The effort you put into your business could turn into one of your most valuable assets in the future. As part of our integrated financial planning services, Agile Wealth offers business insurance advice to protect your hard work and ensure your business thrives for years to come.

Business Insurance Advice from Agile Wealth

Australia is a nation of business owners. Millions of us run our own businesses, and that hard work can turn into one of your best decisions when it’s time to retire. Managed properly, a strong business can provide a steady stream of income, even after you leave the workforce.

Protecting that income stream means investing in the right business insurance for your key people and covering expenses. At Agile Wealth we’re focused on helping you balance your wealth and provide for the future. That means we offer business insurance advice that protects you and your companies from accidents, illness and injuries, ensuring your business can thrive even when you don’t have full capacity.

Our professional financial advisor can help your business with:

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Safeguard your Business Future with Key Person Insurance

Building a business requires vision and dedication that comes from you and your key team members. That means you and your team are the most important assets your business has, and Key Person Insurance can protect your company should the worst happen. Agile Wealth can recommend Key Person Insurance to manage your financial risk and ensure your business runs smoothly, even if you or key members of your team need to take a break.

If you can never return to the business because of permanent disability or death Key Person insurance can help you or your family with a controlled exit and avoid personal financial hardship or legal issues.  

Our business insurance advice is unbiased and based on real research into the products we recommend. We’re here to make sure you get the most from your insurance, so we only work with products that meet our strict value criteria.

While working with us we’ll regularly review your financial risk and adjust your insurance accordingly. Our proactive approach reduces your insurance needs over time, leaving you with more money to invest back into the business and build your own personal wealth.

Managing Personal Wealth with Business Expenses Insurance

Your business depends on your effort, and Business Expenses Insurance keeps things moving if the owner or key person is unable to work. Business Expenses Insurance covers the regular running costs of a business so you don’t have to dip into your savings or take on debt to stay afloat.

Investing in Business Expenses Insurance is one of the best ways to protect the personal wealth you’re building. If you’re injured, sick or unable to work, you could find yourself supporting your business, so we recommend insurance products to help avoid that.

When recommending Business Expenses Insurance, we look at how your company operates and develop tailored advice to minimise your risk and protect you against life’s twists and turns.

Concerned about your business?

Get in touch and we’ll help you out with tailored advice.

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Now is the best time to take control of your finances and plan for the future. Contact Agile Wealth today to make an appointment with our professional financial advisors.