Estate Planning Advice

Protect Your Loved Ones, Now and in the Future

Estate planning is about more than just your will. If the worst should happen, providing for your family ensures their future is secure. Agile Wealth offers estate planning advice that is designed to give you peace of mind and protect your family well into the future.

Family Wealth

Effective estate planning is one of the best tools at your disposal for protecting your family’s wealth. Developing an estate plan means carefully considering how your assets are structured. Not all assets are automatically covered by your will. Depending on your circumstances, taxation can also affect the way you structure, protect and manage the assets in your estate.

Agile Wealth’s estate planning advice can help you protect you family and we can work with your estate planning lawyer so you protect your hard work for your family. Our experts can discuss your options for managing assets, tax, dependents and beneficiaries. That means you can rest easy knowing your family is provided for and your wishes are more likely to be met.

Speak to our team today to discuss how our family wealth advice can help you develop an estate plan that suits your needs and circumstances.

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Get in touch and we’ll help you out with friendly advice.

Your Children

One of the most confronting parts of financial and estate planning is ensuring the safety and security of your children. Do you have a plan in place for the future? Are your children taken care of under your current estate plan? Young children and dependents are some of the most vulnerable people in your life, so it’s important to develop an estate plan that protects their interests.

When developing your plan, our professional financial advisors will consider questions like:

Agile Wealth can help you develop an estate plan that considers every piece of your life. We are happy to manage the full estate planning process, including preparing you to meet with your solicitor, so you can develop a plan without the stress.

Blended Families

Whether you’re getting married, growing your family or joining your life to someone else’s, it’s important to review your estate plan when things change. Estate planning law can be incredibly complex, especially where partners and blended families are concerned. Agile Wealth can help you prepare to work with your solicitor to revise your estate plan as your life evolves and your family grows.

When your family expands you’ll need to consider:

Temporary Incapacity

Estate planning advice is about more than your will. The right plan can also protect your family if you become unable to do so yourself. Agile Wealth develops comprehensive estate plans so you can look after your affairs, even in the event of a temporary incapacity.

Sickness and injury can lead to serious financial issues for your family. These temporary incapacities place immense strain on your loved ones, but it’s simple to protect them with a Power of Attorney.

A Power of Attorney can take a few different forms. The right one depends on your assets, family, needs and situation. As part of your estate planning meeting, we’ll discuss your needs and help you figure out which option is right for you. Once we know more about your situation, we’ll work with you and your solicitor so you have a Power of Attorney that ensures your family is always taken care of.

A Power of Attorney can:

Not sure what you need?

Get in touch and we’ll help you out with friendly advice.

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Now is the best time to take control of your finances and plan for the future. Contact Agile Wealth today to make an appointment with our professional financial advisors.