Self Managed Super Funds

Take Charge of Your Future with a SMSF

Your retirement goals are unique, and a Self Managed Super Fund may be the best way to make sure you get where you’re going. Offering full control and flexibility, Agile Wealth can help you develop a SMSF investment strategy that supports today’s goals and tomorrow’s needs.

Superannuation Investment Strategies Tailored to You

Planning for your retirement is one of the most important things you will ever do. In Australia, we’re lucky to enjoy a superannuation system that encourages small investments over time. That means your super could turn out to be one of your biggest assets at retirement.

But your superannuation can work even harder than it does already. With tailored advice from Agile Wealth, you can establish and run a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) that gives you control versus traditional funds. The best part is that you have complete freedom to invest your money and control what your future has in store.

We offer professional financial advice that allows you to maximise your super. Our SMSF services include:

Not sure what you need?

Get in touch and we’ll help you out with friendly advice.

Self Managed Super Fund Experts

Our SMSF advice is backed by decades of experience in the industry. Having experience working with specialist SMSF providers, our professional financial advisors can put you in charge of your retirement, allowing you to enjoy more of the things you love.

With specialist SMSF experience, our advisors can tailor investment strategies to help you live your retirement dreams. When building SMSF investment strategies we look at:

Get in touch with Agile Wealth today!

You can contact Agile Wealth at any time if you’re ready to make take charge of your SMSF.

Secure Your Future with a SMSF

A Self Managed Super Fund is one of the most flexible and tax effective ways to save for your retirement. But managing your SMSF takes time and research, and that’s where Agile Wealth can help.

As part of our services, we can help you find a suitable partner to administer and manage your SMSF. With our support you’ll be able to take advantage of every opportunity and make your super work harder than you ever thought possible. We’ll collaborate with you, your administrator, accountant and your solicitor, ensuring you’re always in control and that your super is moving in the right direction.

Talk to us today for professional financial advice about your Self Managed Super Fund. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to optimise your current investments, Agile Wealth can provide advice to support your retirement goals.

What Our Clients Say

We help you identify your real goals and objectives so you can dare to dream.

Contact Us Today

Now is the best time to take control of your finances and plan for the future. Contact Agile Wealth today to make an appointment with our professional financial advisors.